Booking Queries
How do I book and what information do I need to provide?
How do I pay for my booking?
- Credit or Debit Card
- Paypal – This is an instant payment, and you can set up your credit card for this.
- Bank Transfer – Please pay this via your Bank Account once you have your booking email confirmation.
- Childcare Vouchers – Please choose “Childcare Vouchers” as your choice of payment and choose your childcare provider from the dropdown menu. If it is not listed please select “Other” and contact the office either by email or on 07715643412. If you are using Childcare Grant Payment Service (CGPS) please click on Childcare Voucher – Other to complete your booking and then email to let us know. We can also provide you with the unique code you require to link your children.
- Tax Free Childcare– Please choose “Tax Free Childcare” as your choice of payment. Please go to your Tax Free Childcare account online and search for “Funtastic Kids” and the school you are booking. If you can’t find this then please contact or 07715643412. This is a Government replacement for childcare vouchers. More information can be found at Tax-Free Childcare – GOV.UK (
Please note: We do not offer refunds, we can only offer a credit on your Funtastic Kids account.
Can I cancel a booking?
How do I amend a booking?
I have not received an email confirmation of my booking?
I have paid, but my account says my booking is not paid? Is my space still reserved?
Up to what time can I book for the next day at camp or club? Can I book on the same day?
When do I need to pay for my booking?
Can I pay by cash or cheque or over the phone via credit card?
I won a Voucher. How do I use this?
Can I be added to a waiting list for spaces?
Can I swap my booking dates?
Can I book part of a session?
My child would like to be a young play leader – how do I book this?
Breakfast & After School Clubs
How do I book regular days?
How do I book 1 or 2 days only?
Can I book part of a session?
If my child is ill, do I get a refund?
Is there a sibling discount for Wrap Around Care Clubs?
How do I contact the camp/club directly during the days it is running?
My child has additional needs. How can you help?
What happens if someone, other than myself, needs to pick up my child?
Are Breakfast and Afternoon Tea provided at the Breakfast & After School Clubs?
My child has allergies and dietary requirements – do you cater for this?
What happens to lost property?
If you believe your child has left something at one of our Wrap Around Care clubs or Holiday Camps – please email and we can check for you.
Please note that after any of our Holiday Camps have finished, lost property is returned to our Wokingham office, where it will be held for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, any water bottles and food storage containers/lunch boxes are disposed of and any clothing is given to charity.
Funtastic Kids always display any lost property at Holiday Camps towards the end of the holiday period. It is the parent’s responsibility to follow up with any lost property they believe we might have within the given time frame and to collect it from our Wokingham office.
Please note – we are unable to send out group emails, asking other parents if they have the missing item, due to data protection.
Is Funtastic Kids Ofsted registered?
What qualifications do your staff have?
What is your adult to child ratio?
How do I raise a contract?
Can I book different session times?
Can I add another child to my contract?
What if the sibling requires different days/sessions and/or times?
Can I cancel my contract?
Can I make changes to my contract?
I need regular dates but fortnightly.
Holiday Camps
How do I cancel my Holiday Camp booking?
What session should I book if I require childcare that is different to the available sessions?
- 8am until 4.30pm you will need to book 8am to 6pm
- 9am to 5pm, you will need to book 8am to 6pm
- 10am to 2pm, you will need to book 9.30am to 3.30pm
Is there a sibling discount for Holiday Camps?
Can I book part of a session?
If my child is ill, do I get a refund?
How do I contact the camp/club directly during the days it is running?
My child has additional needs. How can you help?
What happens if someone, other than myself, needs to pick up my child?
My child has allergies and dietary requirements – do you cater for this?
What clothes should my child wear/bring?
What do I need to bring to the camp?
- A water bottle
- Any medication in a named container
- Waterproof clothes for outside play
- Sun hat and sun lotion for warm weather
- Medication form (if this is needed and has not already been completed).
Is there any food provided during the Holiday Camp day?
What activities do you provide? Do I have to choose in advance?
What happens to lost property?
If you believe your child has left something at one of our Wrap Around Care clubs or Holiday Camps – please email and we can check for you.
Please note that after any of our Holiday Camps have finished, lost property is returned to our Wokingham office, where it will be held for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, any water bottles and food storage containers/lunch boxes are disposed of and any clothing is given to charity.
Funtastic Kids always display any lost property at Holiday Camps towards the end of the holiday period. It is the parent’s responsibility to follow up with any lost property they believe we might have within the given time frame and to collect it from our Wokingham office.
Please note – we are unable to send out group emails, asking other parents if they have the missing item, due to data protection.