Holiday Camps
“Leaders and staff have a strong focus on the well-being of children. Staff form good relationships with children and are attentive to their needs. They ask questions and value children’s thoughts and ideas, engaging them about their interests.”
“Staff gather information about children’s likes and interests before they start. They use this information to provide all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), with activities that they know they will enjoy. The club buzzes with happy activity.”
“Children show kindness towards each other. They spontaneously offer to help staff and each other. For example, if children struggle with tasks such as cutting round a shape, their friends quickly offer to help.”
“Leaders and staff form trusted relationships with parents. Staff hold brief discussions with parents to find out ways to help their children feel comfortable. On collection, they provide feedback to parents about their children’s day. This helps to maintain a shared approach to meeting children’s individual needs.”
“The senior management teams are exceptionally well organised. They create rolling timetables of themed activities and resources. These are moved between the different clubs to ensure children get a wide range of experiences and learn about different topics.”
Wrap Around Care
“The providers are passionate about delivering high-quality childcare, which meets the needs of all children at their clubs. They ensure staff have training to help them learn positive techniques to support children’s behaviour.”
“Partnership with parents is strong. Staff share a wealth of information with parents. As such, parents are complimentary about the consistency of the staff and how they know their children well. Parents report that their children thoroughly enjoy the different activities that they take part in and often ask to stay for teatime at the club.”
“Staff use their knowledge of what children like and are interested in. They plan and provide a good range of activities that keep children engaged and involved.”
“[Children] develop strong bonds with staff, who are extremely caring and always put children’s safety and well-being at the heart of everything they do. Children show they feel safe and secure.”
“Staff have high expectations of children’s behaviour and encourage respectful relationships. Children are confident members of this club. They say that they have fun and love the club. Children play harmoniously together. They are kind and thoughtful.”