Springfield May Half Term Holiday Camp 2024

28th May – 31st May 2024


We’ll keep your kids active and engaged over the school break at our Springfield Primary School holiday camp.

We provide a fun, safe environment for children with creative themed activities and energetic sports. See timetables below!


Standard Session

09:30 to 15:30

  • £25.00 First child
  • £22.00 Extra siblings

Extended Session

08:00 to 18:00
Breakfast and afternoon tea included

  • £34.50 First child
  • £30.00 Extra siblings

Additional Info

Need to extend your standard day?

Additional hours available:

8.30-9.30am: £3.50 per day per child

3.30-4.30pm: £3.50 per day per child


View FAQs

May Half Term

Please note camp will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday, 27th May 2024.


Breakfast and afternoon tea:

All children booked onto our 8am – 6pm Extended Session will receive a light, cereal breakfast with fruit/yoghurt (served until 8.30am), and a cold, snack tea (wrap or sandwich with crisps, fruit and yoghurt) at 5pm at no extra cost.

A packed lunch needs to be provided from home.

No nuts or nut products please.




Themed Timetable

Holiday Camp Themed Timetable- Real Life Heroes

Sports Timetable

Holiday Camp Sports Timetable

Camp Information

Camp phone number: 07561209663

Our Springfield Holiday Camp runs out of the building at the end of the staff car park. There is no access for cars on the site so please ring the bell on the pedestrian gate. Walk past the main school entrance and the camp can be found at the far end.

If our Springfield Holiday Camp is fully booked for the dates you require, please email booking@funtastickids.co.uk to be added to our waiting list or consider trying one of our other camp locations.

View our full list of locations on google maps.


Ofsted Registration Number: EY542872

Most recent report: Springfield, May Half Term 2018


For more information about the camp day and to view example timetables, please visit our Parents Page.

Follow us on social media to see photos and updates from our Holiday Camps: FacebookTwitterInstagram

Holiday Camps

Please email your requirements to bookings@funtastickids.co.uk– ensure you provide clear details. There is a Cancellation anytime charge of £2.00 per day, per child, to the maximum of £10.00. Cancellations made less than 48hrs in advance of your booked session will not be actioned and your child will be marked absent.
You need to select the session time that covers your required hours.   For example, if you need:
  • 8am until 4.30pm you will need to book 8am to 6pm
  • 9am to 5pm, you will need to book 8am to 6pm
  • 10am to 2pm, you will need to book 9.30am to 3.30pm
  However, you can drop and pick up within your booked hours.
There is a sibling discount of £4.50 for the full day session (8am-6pm) and a sibling discount of £3 for all other timed sessions at holiday camps. Sibling discount only applies to second and subsequent siblings. Please see our prices on our individual Holiday Camp Webpages for more details.
Unfortunately, we do not offer a part-session option.
Whilst we understand that illness can’t be avoided or predicted, your child would have been included in our staffing ratios and provisions. For this reason, we can’t refund or swap days. We would need 48 hours’ notice to cancel and credit your Funtastic Kids account. Please let us know, however, if your child will not be attending by calling 07715643412.
All our Holiday Camps and Breakfast & After School Clubs have their own phone number, which is displayed in our registration areas and on each camp and club page on our website. Our main office numbers may not be answered at all times during the day so please take note of the club/camp number when dropping off your child.
It is important for you to give us as much information as possible before your child’s first day and record any information in the medical section.  It is a good idea to contact our director, Louise Holloway, for advice. Louise has experience as an inclusion manager for over 20 years and can support parents and staff to ensure that the child receives the best care we can provide during their time with us. Please note that we are a mainstream holiday camp and are unable to offer individual support (1:1 support) during the camp day. We always consider the safety of all our children when considering including a child with behavioural difficulties and the potential impact on staff to child ratios. For more information, email office@funtastickids.co.uk
Please email bookings@funtastickids.co.uk or call us on 07715643412 to let us know who will be collecting your child with their name and a contact phone number. The person collecting will need to know the “Collection Password” which can be set up on your online booking profile.
Yes, please ensure you add these to the online registration form with as much detail as possible. We are a NUT FREE ZONE so there will be NO NUTS OR NUT PRODUCTS (e.g. peanut butter, Nutella, cereal bars with nuts etc) allowed. We also provide “Free From” snacks as well as other snacks and can cater for special dietary requirements if we are informed in advance.
Layers are a good idea so your children can stay warm/keep cool in the changing weather. Please bring a sunhat for warm weather. Clothes and shoes should be comfortable for running around in. Clothes that are not precious – they can get dirty when outside or messy when inside! A painting apron for art is a good idea or an old shirt. Please bring a change of clothes in case your child might forget to visit the toilet when taking part in all our exciting activities. Please make sure all items are labelled with your child’s name.
A packed lunch with plenty of snacks for break times, plus:
  • A water bottle
  • Any medication in a named container
  • Waterproof clothes for outside play
  • Sun hat and sun lotion for warm weather
  • Medication form (if this is needed and has not already been completed).
Please make sure all items are labelled with your child’s name. Please note that we are a nut free zone!
Children booked onto our Extended Day Session (8 am – 6 pm) will receive a nutritional breakfast and light afternoon tea included in the cost of the session. Water and “No Added Sugar” squash will be provided throughout the day. Some of our themed activities may involve tasting food (for example, trying multi-coloured fruit and veg as part of our ‘Over the Rainbow’ theme). Please bring a PACKED LUNCH and a water bottle for your child. We are a NUT FREE ZONE so NO NUTS OR NUT PRODUCTS are allowed in lunch boxes please (e.g. Peanut butter, Nutella, Cereal bars with nuts etc).
All our Holiday Camps provide fun-filled creative-themed timetables (activities include drama, art, games, science and more) as well as energetic and varied sports timetables. Children can choose their preferred activity each session, making every day at Funtastic Kids unique. There is no need to choose in advance, children can pick what they would like to do on the day! Please see our Parent’s page for example timetables.

If you believe your child has left something at one of our Wrap Around Care clubs or Holiday Camps – please email office@funtastickids.co.uk and we can check for you.

Please note that after any of our Holiday Camps have finished, lost property is returned to our Wokingham office, where it will be held for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, any water bottles and food storage containers/lunch boxes are disposed of and any clothing is given to charity.

Funtastic Kids always display any lost property at Holiday Camps towards the end of the holiday period.  It is the parent’s responsibility to follow up with any lost property they believe we might have within the given time frame and to collect it from our Wokingham office.

Please note – we are unable to send out group emails, asking other parents if they have the missing item, due to data protection.

If your child is in Year 7 (or above), or attending Funtastic Kids during the summer when they are leaving Primary School to join Secondary School, they can be a Young Playleader. Please book as normal but let us know via email that they would like to take part in this scheme.
We don’t separate the children into different age groups. However, we have a VIP Club for our Early Years children where they are looked after by key adults, plus a Young Playleader Programme where the older children (Year 7 and above) are encouraged to take some responsibility. For some sports activities the children may be split into age groups for safety reasons.
Yes. We register all our Breakfast & After School Clubs and Holiday Camps with Ofsted. We follow Ofsted regulations and guidelines to offer the highest standard of care possible. These regulations help raise the quality of care and ensure the safety and wellbeing of children. Our Ofsted registration numbers and most recent Ofsted reports can be found on our individual club/camp pages.
Our staff are often staff with school, Early Years or childcare experience.  Our after-school club supervisors and holiday camp supervisors often have at least a level 2 or level 3 relevant qualification or are trainee teachers.  We also have a number of qualified teachers working for us during the school holidays. All our supervisors and after school/breakfast club playworkers have full 12 hour paediatric first aid training and level 2 Food safety at work.  All our staff have universal safeguarding. In house training and other accredited level 2 courses are also offered to all our staff. Our management team consists of 2 qualified primary teachers, both with past senior leadership experience.  We also have an Early Years practitioner and former pre-school manager as part of our management team who oversees the running of all our clubs and camps as well as advises the team on Early Years procedures. Our two area managers hold level 3 Playwork and teaching and learning qualifications and have vast experience in working in schools and in childcare.
We have a strict 1: 10 ratio of staff to children.


Springfield Primary School, Barton Road, Reading, RG31 5NJ