Louise Holloway

Managing Director

Louise acts as the educational consultant for the school camps and manages the overall organisation and running of the camps. 

Louise creates an alternative timetable to the sports timetables, devising activities which promote language, communication and social skills. The exciting themed weeks include opportunities to practise reading, writing and numeracy while having fun; keeping up those vital skills during school holidays. Children enjoy the creative themes which include drama, team games, food technology, arts and crafts and treasure hunts.

Qualifications & Experience

  • Bachelor of Education, Specialism in Literacy and Special Educational Needs.

  • Qualified Teacher since 1995 working in schools in Slough, Bracknell and Wokingham.

  • Subject Leader in Literacy and Numeracy

  • Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at 2 Wokingham Local Authority Schools. This role included running a school Nurture Group for 5 years, supporting children with behavioural difficulties including Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and attachment issues.

  • Further qualification gained in Nuture Group: Theory and Practice (Institute of Education, London)

  • Safeguarding for Designated Person

  • Safer Recruitment

  • Common Assessment Framework and Lead Professional Training – supporting families.

  • Louise’s input to the school holiday camp was recognised and valued by Wokingham Borough Council and this model was rolled out across 5 camps in Wokingham during Summer 2015.